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How to add a post on your phone
Choose category to post on the "Home" page.
On (Come Fly By) you don't have to share post the Home page is for all to see.
For Members that you follow go to your settings turn on / off Notification.
Following: Notify me when there are updates from members or posts I follow. This is a good setting to leave on.
This way you can keep up with members post you are following or onging post in your Notifications in one quick look that the Notification Bell that the top of the page you can see if you have new post.
Click on the Bell to see new post from members you are Following.
Unlike Facebook or Gettr you can highlight your text click on the paper clip and add https:// Link
Only on pc so far sorry.
You and can re-edit on the top right there are three dots you can delete post or re-edit.
To add a embed click (</>) symbols
Embed will not show a picture after you save your embed click under the Embed then click on the camera symbols to add a picture that you want to show on your post. The top picture will show up on your Timeline. You can add more pictures they will not show on the Timeline till the post is click on.
How to Share your post to Facebook with a picture link on your post to Facebook Copy your post ( and Paste it in to the box ->
As shown below. Next click Debug.
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